In a few weeks, the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) will be held here in Chicago. Where else can you learn about Business Models for Biomedical Innovation AND Editing your own Papers at the same conference?

I’m thrilled at the breadth of the sessions, perfect for somebody like me who has an interest in many STEM fields. Here are a few of the topics that have me excited:
Science Sessions
Artificial Tissues Engineered to Improve Patient Well-being
Both ends of the age spectrum: Building Babies: Development, Evolution, and Human Health and The Science of Resilient Aging
Inventing New Ways to Understand the Human Brain
Your Genome: To Share or Not to Share?
Optics and Photonics: An International Perspective
Career Development Sessions
AuthorAID session – a project that helps researchers in developing countries write about and publish their work
Scholarly Publishing Innovations and Evolution
Women Poised for Discovery and Innovation
If you’re headed to the conference and would like to meet up, drop me a line. I’d love to hear from you.
Need a science writer to report on AAAS 2014? I’ve got you covered.