10 seconds or less…
That’s the amount of time on average that healthcare professionals spend on any particular website when they’re searching for medical information. They don’t have a lot of time, and neither do you. So we’re going to keep this short and sweet.
Peer-reviewed publications serve many functions, including being a source of ‘approved’ messages that can be provided to healthcare professionals. Publication extenders (also referred to as publication enhancers) summarize these key approved messages from peer-reviewed publications to get bite-sized content in front of healthcare professionals online, where and how they’re already interacting with content.
Serve up your key messages from your peer-reviewed publications into bite-sized pieces that clinicians can easily find and remember. Publication extenders can take the form of:
- Visual abstracts
- Video abstracts (aka, the talking head video)
- Plain-language summaries
- Podcasts
- Infographics
These bites are designed for sharing and can be plated for social media. They can also help foster discussion and engagement on web platforms.
Are you hungry for more? Contact us today to see how we can help your data tell a bite-sized story.
P.S. – If you’re actually hungry for some cookies, we love Carol’s Cookies (especially the toffee chocolate crunch) and Zingerman’s cookies and brownies. We have no financial incentive to recommend these treats, we just love to eat!